RNQG Board Position Descriptions

New England Quilt Museum Liaison Duties:

The NEQMA Liaison shall

  • represent the Guild at meetings called by NEQM or arrange for a substitute to attend;
  • report to the Guild on representative meetings and New England Quilt Museum (NEQM) activities in the Guild newsletter;
  • offer passes to NEQM to Guild members on a first-come, first-served basis; 
  • write and submit RNQG activity reports for inclusion in "The Compass";
  • inform Guild Publicity Chair of deadlines for longer articles on specific events well in advance of due date; 
  • obtain mailing lists from NEQM for Publicity Chair;
  • inform Treasurer of amount and due date for Guild NEQM dues and ensure check is submitted; 
  • encourage member participation in NEQM events; and
  • arrange for volunteers and fund-raising events when desired.

